
Interpretation of the stellium in astrology

 Grazia Mirti   mirti@mbox.venco.it

Translation by Julianne Evans

FAES Summary

We can define a STELLIUM as a group of at least 4 planets in the same sign at the moment of birth.

The first fundamental consideration regards the presence or not of the Sun in the stellium at the time of birth. A person can have 4 planets in a particular sign that includes the Sun - which is the most likely case - or have them in a sign that does not include the Sun, as in the case of Benito Mussolini (stellium in Gemini and Sun in Leo) or Bruce Lee (stellium in Scorpio and Sun in Sagittarius).

In our analysis we will not consider sensitive points such as the Moon's Nodes and Lilith/Black Moon, nor the Arabic Parts (Part of Fortune, of Death, etc.) as part of the stellium, though they can contribute to its effectiveness and intensity by being in the same sign. They, as in the case of the Ascendant, reinforce the significance of the stellium itself. 
At this point we will classify the different types of stellium:

1) Stellium in which the planets occupy different houses.

2) Stellium in which the planets are all concentrated in the same house. Planets may also be partly in one house, partly in the next, but all in the same sign. The concentration of the stellium in the same house highlights its importance in interpretation in that it magnifies the co-significance between house and sign (Aries-first house, Taurus-second etc.), or mutual aspects. Mick Jagger, for example, has a stellium in Leo concentrated in the First house, co-signifier of Aries, in the fire triplicity. 

3) Stellium concentrated in a single house, co-signifier of the sign it is in, e.g., if a person has a lot of planets in the first house in Aries it will reinforce the meanings of that sign, vice-versa if a person has a lot of planets in the in seventh house in Libra. We can say that the meanings of that house are emphasized through its association with the sign. 

Once we have taken the stellium into account it is important to note the order of the longitudinal positions of the planets. It is important to note the sequence when applying symbolic Directions and to help identify a dominant theme in the apparent confusion of different threads. 

It is also important to note if the stellium is made up of predominantly slow or fast planets. For example, both the Sun and the Moon usually form part of a stellium for a birth at the time of the New Moon. Large stellium are usually made up of both slow and fast planets. If the Moon is part of the stellium it is also important to note if it is waxing (moving away from the Sun) or waning (moving towards the Sun), to confirm whether, as according to astrological tradition, the waxing Moon implies more energy. 
If the Moon is at 10° Taurus and the Sun at 15° Taurus then it is waning. 
If the Moon is at 20° Taurus and the Sun at 15° Taurus then it is waxing. 

If the Sun is isolated, that is, if Venus and Mercury are not part of the stellium, we need to consider this as indicating the inner solitude of the person and their difficulty in trusting others. It is also less likely that there is a strong affinity between similar meanings of the house and sign (i.e. between co-signifiers). 

After having drawn up the list of planets in the stellium, alongside each planet indicate the qualities that characterize it, if it is dignified or not (e.g., the Sun in Leo is in its domicile, the Moon in Taurus is exalted, Mars in Cancer is in fall) and any important aspects. This way we can see if the planets in the stellium are well placed, neutral or negatively placed. It is also possible that the strength of one in someway overrides another. 

If we are dealing with a female birth chart, note if the planets involved are feminine, and viceversa for a male chart. From this we can also get some physical idea of the personality. 

Check if the stellium is in aspect with any important points. The birth chart of Mike Todd, for example, has a stellium in the Second House in exact opposition to Uranus in the Eighth, and he died prematurely in an airplane accident. 

It is important to remember that the drawing up of the natal chart should not be flat and one dimensional, as it usually is, but viewed from as if inside a sphere, or at least a semi-sphere. Each planet would then be suspended on the basis of its distance from the earth and its latitude in relation to the celestial ecliptic. In this way it can be clearly seen that a stellium is not a cluster of planets in the sky but only an optical illusion from a point of view from the earth and on the zodiacal chart. 

It often happens that an accumulation of planets in a particular sign pushes a person to assume the characteristics of the opposite sign, and these can also be very strongly accentuated. In the case of Mick Jagger the accent on his Leonine characteristics perhaps highlights the more Aquarian sides of his life and way of being. 

If the stellium is made up of fast planets, it will not last long when applying Secondary Directions - the opposite is true in the case of slow planets. 

It sometimes happens that a person has a stellium in the Solar Return, or with other astrological techniques, while it is absent from the natal chart. Just think of the sign of Aquarius in the years to come, or in 1962, when many planets were concentrated there.

When analyzing the stellium in the charts of famous people it is best to remember that the same day, month and year is shared by many others born at the same time ... therefore it is not the concentration of planets that determine a person's destiny ....
It is important to observe the effect of transits to the stellium. If a benefic planet is involved the situation may even appear to be euphoric, but in the case of an opposition from a slow planet it is clear that the person can find themselves faced with a difficult period. These can be quite rare events but they are nevertheless difficult to get over!

It is important to carefully analyze all the usual, and unusual, house and sign meanings, including those of the derived houses, which in most cases clearly express the plurality of the things to keep in mind. 

At this point it would be useful to analyze some practical examples to apply the principles presented here. 

Descartes, the famous French philosopher, was characterized by a considerable stellium in Aries made up of the Sun, Moon's Node, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Mercury, all in the Third House, accentuating its co-signifier Gemini. The trine to Neptune in Leo is also significant. 

Henri Désiré Landru was characterized by 6 planets in Aries in the twelfth House, trine Saturn in Sagittarius (Eighth House) and with Mars in Leo (Fifth House). At this point the idea of him cooking his girlfriends on the stove should not come as a surprise.... neither the furtiveness of his actions, which were only discovered by pure chance!

The case of Charles Baudelaire is quite different, with 5 planets in Aries in the Eighth House accentuating (note the presence of Saturn next to Jupiter) the melancholic and poetic aspect of his decadent and complex personality. In this case the stellium is aspected by the Moon in Cancer in its first quarter, and is well visible in the sky.

Sigmund Freud has 4 planets round the Descendant between the Sixth and Seventh Houses. The co-significance of the Seventh with Libra draws attention to the psyche. There are no particularly sensational aspects of note, if not the sextile with Neptune in Pisces. 

Neither is the singer Barbra Streisand characterized by a particularly sensational stellium: Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus are in Taurus, but spread over the First and Second Houses, and only Saturn and Uranus are involved in the trine to Neptune. This is not a very incisive case, even though her relationship to money is often talked about in the press. 

The famous theologian Teilhard de Chardin has 5 planets in Taurus, mainly in the Twelfth House. This is a perfect expression of the mystic soul of this reserved Church academic, removed from the world. The earth trine to Uranus, confirms his very precise reasoning. Neptune adds the mystic element. 

The famous Dutch artist Escher is characterized by 5 planets in Gemini, as well as the Midheaven. It is quite probable that his talent was born out of this in contrast to Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius. In this case the planets are divided between the ninth and tenth houses, breaking up its concentration slightly.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh, the exceptional wife of her more famous husband, Charles, was a writer and a pilot. She is characterized by 5 planets in Cancer, all concentrated in the Tenth House, and therefore co-signified by Capricorn, and in perfect trine to Saturn. It is one of those cases in which the stellium includes a waxing New Moon. Mercury beside Neptune hints at the future kidnapping of their never to be found again son. 

Mike Todd was one of Elizabeth Taylor's numerous husbands, perhaps the most loved due to his premature death. He is characterized by 5 planets in Cancer in the second house (he became a millionaire through his work), in opposition to Uranus on the cusp of the eighth house, perhaps foretelling the plane crash that was to take his life. Also in this case there is a trine to Saturn. He is, in fact, an astral twin of Anna Morrow Lindbergh. In both cases the opposition to Uranus played its role!

Mick Jagger is shown to be the true force of nature he really is, with a series of 4 planets and the Ascendant, the Moon's Node and Lilith/Black Moon in the First House in Leo, in perfect trine to the Midheaven, and in a separating square to the Moon, just past the first quarter, in Taurus. 

Alan Leo, the famous English astrologer of last century, was characterized by 4 planets in Leo, as well as the Ascendant, in perfect trine to the Moon in Aries in the ninth house. A true philosopher, whose marriage was a platonic one so as not to consume physical energy and distract him from his studies. Perhaps Saturn being oriental is important from this point of view!

Mata Hari, the fascinating spy who went from royal beds to ending up in front of a firing squad, was characterized by a stellium in the ninth house in Leo and with the Midheaven in the same sign. There are no significant benefic aspects, and her life was terminated in an inglorious capital execution!

Robert Redford is one of those cases where the Sun is in one sign (Leo) and the other planets are in successive one (Virgo). There are 4 planets, in conflict with Jupiter in Sagittarius in the ninth house, from which we can see his meticulousness, accompanied by his great love of nature and horses. The opposition of Saturn to the stellium does not incline him to be carefree and happy-go-lucky!

The famous Italian comic television actor Pippo Franco is characterized by 5 planets in the sign of Virgo, including the waning Moon. All the planets are in the fourth house and from this we can see why his fame has remained national (he is not even known of in nearby Spain!). The trines to Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus add to his serious dedication. 

The beautiful wife of the French director Claude Lelouch is Italian and characterized by 4 planets in Virgo in the ninth house. As this sign is traditionally assigned to Paris it clearly describes her as destined to emigrate and stay in Paris for love!

The brilliant climber Reinhold Messner has a stellium in Virgo (nature) spread over the third and fourth houses, in sextile to Saturn (mountains), which includes the Moon and Lilith, the sly Black Moon, describing the recent misadventures, relative to his image, in Italy. 

Also Fausto Coppi, the cyclist, was characterized by a strong presence of planets in the mercurial sign of Virgo in the Fifth House. Note the trine to the Ascendant and Midheaven. The sporting image is well confirmed here!

David Ben Gurion, the undisputed founder of the modern state of Israel, is characterized by 4 planets in Libra in the Ninth House, hinting at his feeling for the Promised Land he so desired for his brothers and friends. Note the transit of Mars in Libra in the last difficult months of 2000.... Favorable trines to Uranus and the Moon, but Saturn is stationary right in those degrees of the zodiac....

Antonio Cabrini, a famous football player for Juventus, is characterized by 4 planets in Libra, as well as the Ascendant, equally divided between the twelfth and first houses. The waxing Full Moon has not been much help in maintaining his fame after his sporting exploits.

The Italian national team trainer, Enzo Bearzot, after an honorable carrier as a football player, has been more fortunate. His chart shows 4 planets in the eleventh house as well as Lilith/BlackMoon. This co-significance with Aquarius describes his free and independent spirit. The sextile to Saturn and opposition Uranus to Jupiter, has pushed him to give up the role after a relatively short time.

Joseph Goebbels has stellium in Scorpio, with 5 planets in the fourth house, symbolizing the patria. There are no particularly supportive aspects. His military bearing is shown by an angular Mars. 

The difficult nature of the sculptor Benvenuto Cellini, is highlighted by a stellium spread over the fourth and fifth houses. Forever fleeing ... following fights and turbulent, bloodthirsty events. The presence of a still to be discovered Pluto could also be cited. In any case, noting the supportive trine to Jupiter in Pisces and the Ascendant in Cancer, it is easy to understand how he must have liked the idea of escaping to somewhere else. 

As already mentioned in the introduction, Bruce Lee is one of those cases where the Sun is not part of the stellium, which is made up of 4 planets in Scorpio in the eleventh house, in opposition to Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus, confirming his tragic end and forewarning the same destiny that would strike his young son later on.

Lucky Luciano, the gangster who in a certain sense seems to be a parody of himself, is characterized by Mars, Sun, Saturn, Moon, Mercury and Midheaven in Sagittarius. Born in Sicily (sextile Jupiter in the ninth house) he had a very adventurous life, full of surprises (stellium opposite Lilith/Black Moon, Pluto and Neptune). 

The dreams and utopian states of Sagittarius are well expressed by Friedrich Engels, the philosopher who supported Karl Marx all his life, both morally and financially. The stellium in Sagittarius is divided between the fourth and fifth houses, with a trine to the Ascendant and sextile Venus to Neptune.

The legendary Kit Carson is one of those few with the Sun in a different sign (Capricorn) to the stellium (Sagittarius), a sign that lends itself perfectly to horse riders, centaurs and gun-slingers! The stellium, divided between the fourth and fifth houses, accentuates his originality. Note the trine to Jupiter in Aries in the ninth house (escape) and to the Moon and Ascendant in Leo. 

The Italian writer and poet Goffredo Parise has 4 planets in Sagittarius between the eighth and ninth houses. Just looking at the title of one of his most important works, Dear China, you can see the message of his stellium, supported by a trine to Uranus and the Ascendant.

Francesco Alberoni, sociologist and expert in psychology of international fame, has a spectacular stellium, made up of 6 planets in his own sign, as well as the Ascendant and Lilith/Black Moon, distributed between the twelfth and first houses and in opposition to Pluto. Note the trine to Neptune, and the unpredictable square to Uranus. 

Louis Pasteur is another notable among the records of planets in Capricorn, with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus e Neptune in Capricorn, almost completely in the third house.

Though he does not have a record number, Gérard Dépardieu, the French actor, has 4 planets in the first house in Capricorn, reinforcing an Arien nature and him physically, and masterly supported by Saturn. The conflict to Uranus is indicative of the unexpected events in his in his life, such as the recent heart operation he underwent last summer.

The mythical Marlene Dietrich is instead characterized by 5 planets in Capricorn in the fifth house, in good aspect to the Ascendant and Midheaven, a perfect indication of the Leonine values displayed in her acting verve, both on the stage and in her private life.

Can the unfortunate life of Johannes Kepler be expressed by the stellium in Capricorn between the seventh and eighth houses? On one hand he has a sextile to Jupiter and Pluto, and Saturn on the other. Less promising is the square to Mars in Libra.

The present King Abdallah of Jordan has 5 planets in his natal sign of Aquarius, insidiously squared by the Moon and Neptune and opposed by Uranus and the Node. Their concentration in the first house could describe him as not being inclined to reflect and a little naive. 

Giovanna Melandri, the current Minister for Culture, was born the day before. In this case the stellium is in the second house, co-signifying Taurus. She is very dedicated to art, but physically a lot less stronger, as the co-signifier shows!

Compared to the stellium of 1962 that of Wolfang Amadeus Mozart appears limited. Characterized by 4 planets in Aquarius, between the fifth and sixth houses, with a trine to the Midheaven, opposition Neptune, well suited to music.

Thomas Merton is a particularly interesting eclectic person, passing from the role of artist to that of Trappist monk, and to his death by electric shock in an airport. He is known for his book 'The Mountain of the seven cliffs (?). The intense stellium between the eleventh and twelfth houses confirms the synthesis of liberty and confinement in different moments of his life.

The democratic queen of the Netherlands is characterized by an amassing of planets in her natal sign Aquarius in the co-signifier house of Aquarius, in conflict with Uranus, describing a life not without some existential ups and downs. In the Age of Aquarius even sovereigns, who were considered as belonging to the regal sign of Leo, belong to this sign!

One of my astrology students here in Turin is an astral twin of the queen of the Netherlands, but her planets are concentrated in the seventh house. She dresses like a queen, is very strong and physically similar to the real queen. The Leo Ascendant favors this unpredictable nature and shakes up her life.

Victor Hugo, author of 'Le Miserable', was born with 4 important planets as well as the Moon's node in Pisces, in opposition to Saturn and trine Neptune and the Ascendant. The stellium is divided between the fourth and fifth houses and together with the rest of the chart describes his complex and tormented life, as it does the setting of his most famous works.

The four planets in the eighth house of Galileo Galilei foretell of his universal fame, but also of the terrible ups and downs, confirmed by the trine to Saturn and Jupiter in Cancer, and squares to Uranus in Sagittarius and Neptune in Gemini. With the highest respect for those who would not consider the transaturnian planets ...

Jean-Baptiste Morin de Villefranche is representative of an exceptional stellium, with 5 planets in Pisces, in the co-signifying twelfth house, trine Mars and Neptune in Cancer. The last great French astrologer, awarded the mathematics chair at the Collège Royal, was everything but meek - on the contrary, he was an exhibitionist and known for his difficult character. 


Luna Nuova (Nouvelle Lune, New Moon) February 5 1962 0h10' a.m. GMT
Luna Nuova (Nouvelle Lune, New Moon) December 4 1983 12h26' pm GMT
Luna Nuova (Nouvelle Lune, New Moon) Noember 3 1994 13h36' pm GMT

CARTESIUS (René Descartes) March 31 1596 h. 2 a.m. Le Haye 48N28 001E23 LMT
LANDRU Henry Desiré April 12 1869 h. 6 a.m. Paris 48N50 002E20 LMT
BAUDELAIRE Charles April 09 1821 h. 15 p.m. Paris LMT
FREUD Sigmund May 6 1856 18h 30' p.m. Freiberg 49N45 018E10 LMT
STREISAND BARBRA April 24 1942 5h 04' a.m. Brooklyn 40N43 074W01 GMT-4
THEILARD DE CHARDIN Pierre May 1 1881 7h a.m. Orcines France 45N47 003E05 LMT
ESCHER M. Cornelius June 17 1898 11h30' a.m. Leeuwarden Netherlands 53N12 005E46 LMT
MORROW LINDBERGH Anne June 22 1906 11h15' a.m. Englewood NY USA
42N58 078W51 GMT-5
TODD Mike June 22 1906 3h28' a.m. Minneapolis USA 44N59 093W13
JAGGER Mick July 26 1943 6h30' a.m. Dartford England 51N27 000E14 GMT+2
LEO Alan August 07 1860 5h49' a.m. Westminster England LMT
MATA HARI August 7 1876 h. 13 p.m. Leeuwarden Netherlands 53N15 005E48 LMT
REDFORD Robert August 18 1936 20h02' p.m. S. Monica CA USA 34N01 118W29 GMT-8
FRANCO Pippo September 2 1940 1h a.m. Rome Italy 41N54 012E28 GMT+2
MARTINES Alessandra September 19 1963 12h30' p.m. Rome Italy 41N54 012E29 GMT+1
MESSNER Reinhold September 17 1944 ooh45' a.m. Bressanone (Bolzano) Italy 46N30 011E20 GMT+2
COPPI Fausto September 15 1919 21h30' Castellania (Alessandria) 44N54 008E38 GMT+2
BEN GURION David October 16 1886 12h24' Plonsk 52N40 020E21 LMT
CABRINI Antonio October 08 1957 6h30' a.m. Cremona Italia 45N08 009E01
BEARZOT Enzo September 26 1927 10h 00 a.m. Ajiello Friuli (Udine) Italia 46N03 013E14 GMT+1
GOEBBELS Joseph October 29 1897 23h30' p.m. Rheydt Germany 51N10 006E25 GMT+1
CELLINI Benvenuto November 2 1500 20h53' p.m. Firenze/Florence Italy 43N46 011E16 LMT
LEE Bruce Novembre 27 1940 7h12' a.m. S. Francisco CA USA 37N48 122W24 GMT-8
LUCIANO Lucky November 24 1897 12h Lercara Friddi Palermo Italy 38N07' 013E22 GMT+1
ENGELS Friedrich November 28 1929 13h20' p.m. Vicenza Italy 45N32 011E32 GMT+1
ALBERONI Francesco December 31 1929 8h a.m. Borgonovo V.T. (Piacenza) Italy 45N03 009E42 GMT+1
DEPARDIEU Gérard December 27 1948 8h a.m. Chateauroux France 46N49 
001E42 GMT+1
DIETRICH Marlene December 27 1901 21h15' p.m. Berlin 52N30 013E22 GMT+1
KEPLER Johannes December 27 1571 14h30' p.m. Weil 47N36 007E39 LMT
PASTEUR Louis, December 27 1822 2h30' a.m. Dole France 47N05 005E30 LMT
King (Roi) ABDALLAH January 30 1962 5h29' a.m. Amman Jordan (Jordanie) 31N57 035E56 GMT+2
MELANDRI Giovanna January 29 1962 3h42' a.m. New York NY USA 40N43 074W01 GMT-5
MOZART Wolfang Amadeus January 27 1756 20h Salzburg Austria 47N48 013E01 LMT
Queen (reine) Beatriz January 31 1938 9h47' a.m. Amsterdam Netherlands 52N25 004E54 GMT
MERTON Thomas January 31 1915 09ha.m. Prades 42N38 002E25 GMT
SOTTILI Maria Pia January 31 1938 16h30' Reggio Emilia Italy 44N41 010E38 GMT+1
HUGO Victor February 26 1802 22h30' p.m. Besançon France 47N15 0006E02 LMT
GALILEI GALILEO Febraury 15 1564 15h p.m. Pisa Italy 43N43 010E24 LMT
MORIN de VILLEFRANCHE Jean-Baptiste February 23 1583 8h34' a.m. Villefranche Beaujolais France 45N59 004E3 LMT
King (roi) VITTORIO EMANUELE II March 14 1820 1h a.m. Torino Italy 45N04 007E42 LMT